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GlossaryJapanese and English TerminologyIn keeping with the traditional nature of our system, Japanese terms are used in practice. You are expected to recognize the instructions routinely given during class and to learn the Japanese and English names for all the techniques you are taught. The following are terms that should be familiar at the level of hachikyu (yellow belt); there are many others, but these represent the basis of karatedo training.
InstructionsKeoskite Attention Rei Bow Hajime Begin Mawate Turn around Yame Stop (immediately) Tome Return to original location Yoi Return to ready stance Tachi zen Standing meditation Zazen Seated meditation Seiza Formal seated position (kneeling) Agura Informal seated position (feet in front) Numbering System1 ichi 6 roku 2 ni 7 shichi 3 san 8 hachi 4 shi 9 ku 5 go 10 ju Greetings and ResponsesOnigashimasu Please teach me. Gokorosan Thank you for doing what was expected. Domo arrigato gozai-imasu Thank you very much. Osu (Oosss!) Let's train hard and persevere! Hai Yes Iie (ee yeh) No Ohiyo gozai-imasu Good morning. Konnichi wa Good day. Kon bon wa Good evening. (after dark) Methods of TrainingKihon waza Basic techniques Kata Formal exercises Kumite Sparring Kubudo Weapons training Ippon kumite One-step sparring Jiyu kumite Free sparring Concepts and PrinciplesAi nuke Mutual preservation Ai uchi Mutual killing Budo Way of martial arts Bunkai Applications of kata techniques Bushido Way of the samurai (bushi) Chudan Middle target (solar plexus) Dojo Training gym (place of the Way) Gedan Low target (groin) Gi Practice uniform Irimi To enter into an attack Isshin One heart or mind Jodan High target (lower part of face) Ki Spirit, energy, life force, mind Kiai Spirit-unifying shout Kime Focus of power Kohai A student junior to oneself Kuzushi Balance, body alignment Miai Distancing Mushin No heart or mind Musubi Harmony Sempai Senior student Sensei Teacher Tai sabaki To evade and counterattack Taitaikyo Dojo etiquette Tanden or hara Center of the body Tenkan To turn and dissipate an attack Tore One who executes a technique Uke One who receives a technique Yudansha Black belt Zanshin Reflecting heart or mind |
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