Hangetsu dachi Hourglass stance
Hanmi dachi Half-facing stance, often used in Kiba dachi
Heisoku dachi Formal attention stance
Kagae dachi Hook stance
Kiba dachi Horse-riding stance
Kokutsu dachi Back-leaning stance
Musubi dachi Informal attention stance
Neko ashi dachi Cat foot stance
Reinoji dachi L stance
Sagi ashi dachi Propped stance
Sanchin dachi Inverted stance
Shiko dachi Sumo stance
Fudo (Sochin) dachi Rooted stance
Soto hachiji dachi Outside natural stance
Teiji dachi T stance
Tsuri ashi dachi Crane stance
Uchi hachiji dachi Inside natural stance
Yoi dachi Ready stance
Zenkutsu dachi Front-leaning stance
Opposing stances:
ai hanmi is same foot forward
gyaku hanmi is opposite foot forward (mirror image).
Uke Waza
Age uke Rising block
Keito uke Chicken head / neck block
Chocho uke Butterfly block
Gedan barai Downward parry
Heiwan uke High forearm block
Hiiji uke Elbow block
Hiza uke Knee block
Juji uke Cross block
Kakiwake uke Wedge block
Mawashi uke Round-house block
Morote uke Supported block
Oroshi uke Descending block
Osae uke Pressing block
Shuto uke Knife-hand block
Soto uke Middle block (inside of forearm)
Sukui uke Watershed block
Tate uke Shield (vertical) block
Teisho uke Heel-palm block
Tenchi uke Heaven & earth block
Tora kuchi barai Tiger's mouth parry
Uchi uke Middle block (outside of forearm)
Yama uke Mountain ("U") block
Tsuki Waza
Choki tsuki Middle punch
Gyaku tsuki Reverse punch
Hon tsuki Frontal punch
Jun tsuki Jab punch
Kagae tsuki Hook punch
Mawashi tsuki Roundhouse punch
Nidan tsuki Double punch
Oi tsuki Lunge punch
Oroshi tsuki Descending punch
Ren tsuki Rapid punching
Seiken tsuki Fore-fist middle punch
Shita tsuki Inverted punch
Tate tsuki Shield (vertical) punch
Yama tsuki Mountain ("U") punch
Yoko tsuki Side punch
Geri Waza
Ago geri Chin kick
Ashi Foot
Ashi barai Foot sweep
Kagae geri Hook kick
Keage geri Snapping kick
Kekomi geri Thrusting kick
Kin geri Groin kick
Mae geri Front kick
Mawashi geri Roundhouse kick
Mikazuki geri Crescent kick
Ushiro mawashi geri Spinning back kick
Tobi geri Jumping kick
Ushiro geri Back kick
Yoko geri Side kick
Uchi Waza
Atama uchi Strike with head
Empi uchi Elbow strike
Haisho uchi Back-hand strike
Haito uchi Ridge-hand strike
Heiwan uchi Forearm strike
Hiiji uchi Elbow strike
Hiza uchi Knee strike
Ippon-nukite uchi Single finger strike
Koken uchi Bent-wrist strike
Kumate uchi Bear-hand strike
Nakadaka uchi Single knuckle strike
Nukite uchi Spear-hand strike
Shuto uchi Knifehand strike
Teisho uchi Heel-palm strike
Tettsui uchi Hammerfist strike
Uraken uchi Backfist strike
Ukemi Waza
Zimpo (kaiten) ukemi Forward-rolling fall
Ushiro (kaiten) ukemi Back-rolling fall
Yoko ukemi Side breakfall
Ura ukemi Back breakfall
Mae ukemi Front breakfall
Kansetsu Waza & Osaekome Waza
Ikkyo First form: arm pin (Oshi taoshi/Ude osae) initial, final
Nikyo Second form: wrist turn (Kote mawashi) basic, var. 1, var. 2, var. 3
Sankyo Third form: wrist twist (Kote hineri) release, attack
Yonkyo Fourth form: wrist pin (Tekubi osae)
Gokyo Fifth form: arm stretching (Ude nobashi)
Hiza garame Knee lock
Kata gatame Shoulder immobilization: placement
Kesa gatame Scarf immobilization: placement, attack
Kote gaeshi Wrist reversal basic capture, attack, turning over, standing pin
Tate shiho gatame Vertical four-corner immobilization: kesa attack, kata attack
Ude garame Arm entanglement
Ude hishigi juji gatame Arm crushing cross-arm immobilization (arm bar): gatame, from kote gaeshi or nage
Nage Waza
Click here for Judo nage waza animations and video
Harai goshi Sweeping hip/loin throw
Ippon seio nage One (arm) back-carry throw
Irimi ikkyo Entering arm pin (same as Aikido's ikkyo) capture, control
Irimi nage Entering throw
Irimi otoshi Entering drop throw
Juji nage Cross throw
Kaiten nage Rotary throw
Kata guruma Shoulder wheel
Kokyu nage Breath throw
Mage ude nage Bent arm throw
O goshi Major (big) hip throw
O soto gari Major (big) outer reap
O uchi gari Inner thigh reap
Okuri ashi barai Sliding (advanced) foot sweep
Sasae tsuri komi ashi Lifting pulling foot block / propping ankle throw
Shiho nage Four directions throw stretch, attack
Soto-makikomi Turning body drop throw, AKA Ten taiotoshi
Sumi gaeshi Corner reversal throw
Sumi otoshi Corner drop throw
Tai otoshi Body drop throw
Tenchi nage Heaven and earth throw
Tomoe nage Circle throw
Tsuri komi goshi Lifting pulling (drawing) hip throw
Uchi mata Inner thigh throw
Ude kime nage Arm bar (focused power) throw
Uki goshi Floating (minor) hip throw
Uki otoshi Floating drop throw
Uki waza Floating technique throw
Ura nage Rear throw
Yoko gake Side/lateral hook
Yoko guruma Side/lateral wheel
Shime Waza
Hadaka jime Naked strangle: air constriction, to the ground, morote, blood constriction
Heiwan eri jime Forearm-collar strangle.
Juji jime Cross strangle: hand placement, shime
Mata jime Strangulation with thighs.
Okuri eri jime Sliding collar strangle: shime
Sankanku jime Triangle strangle.
Sineru jime Pinching strangle.
Tori Waza
Katate dori One hand grabbing one hand/wrist: ai hanmi, gyaku hanmi
Morote dori Two hands grabbing one hand/wrist
Kata dori Shoulder grab
Mune dori One or two hand lapel grab
Hiji dori Elbow grab
Ryokata dori Grabbing both shoulders
Ryote dori Two hands grabbing two hands/wrists
Ryo Hiji dori Grabbing both elbows
Ushiro tekubi dori Wrist grab, from behind
Ushiro ryote dori Ryote from behind
Ushiro ryokata dori Ryokata from behind
Opposing stances:
ai hanmi is same foot forward
gyaku hanmi is opposite foot forward (mirror image).